Spanish Mustangs are of great historic importance; They are the direct descendants of the horse of the Golden Age of Spain. Our Spanish Mustangs are a treasure chest of genetic wealth from a time long gone. They are best known for their endurance, versatility, and intelligence. Uniquely, they are represented in some notable places in history and have connections with the Spanish Conquistadors, Native Americans, Calvary, Missionary Monks, The Pony Express, and the Lewis and Clark expedition. Today they have a variety of occupations including ranch work and are involved in several competitive fields.The movie Hidalgo brought attention to them in 2004, but even that brief attention wasn't enough to save the dwindling numbers. Although their populations have declined dramatically, we have taken great efforts to preserve their bloodlines and you now have a chance to help preserve their existence. The Spanish Mustang is now on the critical list of rare breeds and we need your help to ensure this breed is not lost forever. Please consider a donation to help us feed, protect, and preserve their existence for future generations to enjoy!
The Spanish Mustang Preserve Inc. was founded in 2014 to provide support to these magnificent animals. Through education and increased awareness we hope to ensure that this rich piece of history will not be lost. Your generous donation will be used in direct support of Spanish Mustangs that are part of the original Spanish Mustang Registry founded in 1957. By donating your efforts will help the Spanish Mustang Preserve feed, provide veterinary care and infrastructure for the horses. You are choosing to take part in saving this historic and beautiful horse for future generations.
Spanish Mustang Preserve Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
The Spanish Mustang Preserve Inc. was founded in 2014 to provide support to these magnificent animals. Through education and increased awareness we hope to ensure that this rich piece of history will not be lost. Your generous donation will be used in direct support of Spanish Mustangs that are part of the original Spanish Mustang Registry founded in 1957. By donating your efforts will help the Spanish Mustang Preserve feed, provide veterinary care and infrastructure for the horses. You are choosing to take part in saving this historic and beautiful horse for future generations.
Spanish Mustang Preserve Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.